Wednesday, July 7 "Christ was asking, 'Don't they bother to look at me?'

'To see what?' he was asked.

'My feet. I walk on bare feet. Do they think of that when they schedule? They better look at my feet. If they cared, if they had any compassion, they would see my bare feet.'

In an effort to save their jobs, Bush and Cheney are calling on Christ to walk with them all through the Low IQ states, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana. That is where Bush half smiles or smirks, it is hard to tell which, and he says Christ and waves his arm and the crowd screams: 'Jeeee-zus!'

Then Bush calls for capital punishment. The crowds scream. 'Kill. Kill. Kill.'

And Christ is saying, 'They go in all these churches, but do they ever look up once and see a crucifix? That's how the religion was started. It was an execution. Now they use my name to call for more executions? Bush never looks up at a cross. Would he know what he is looking at?'"

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